Fanal, a journey into ancient beauty of Laurisilva

Fanal, a journey into ancient beauty of Laurisilva

Fanal is a magical forest in the northern part of Madeira island.
Often, but not always, there is a mysterious fog among the 600 year old trees, creating spectacular scenes.

The magical forest is part of the Laurisilva forest which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its ecological importance and beauty. It is believed that, 15 to 40 million years ago, most of the southern Europe was covered in this type of laurel forest. Nowadays, only 15% of the laurel trees and vegetation is still present on the island of Madeira.

Laurisilva is a type of subtropical cloud forest characterized by its laurel trees and is believed to have ancient origins dating millions of years back. In the distant past, Laurisilva forests extended to parts of North Africa and the Mediterranean Basin. However, due to changes in climate and other factors, these forests have largely disappeared from these regions. While they may have once existed in these regions, the remaining pockets of Laurisilva are now primarily found in the Canary Islands, Madeira, and parts of the Azores.

As you explore its winding paths and soak in the sights and sounds, you'll find yourself transported to a world untouched by time—a true haven of nature's wonders.
The Fanal Walk becomes truly enchanting in the early morning or late afternoon, when the sun casts a warm, golden glow that adds to the surreal atmosphere.

Walking through the laurel forest, you'll encounter enchanting scenes around every corner. It's like a secret sanctuary where time and nature come together.

Ancient trees tower like guardians, their branches creating patterns of light and shadow on the ground. Clear streams of water flow through the land, allowing plants to grow and giving life to the colorful carpet of vegetation that covers the ground. These soft waters create paths, feed the roots of trees, keeping everything in balance.
These breathtaking views are a satisfying reward during your walk, inviting you to think about the island's history and the forces that have crafted its extraordinary scenery.

Here are a few examples of endemic species that can be found in Madeira's laurel forest:

Madeiran Long-toed Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus maderensis): This subspecies of the Wood Pigeon is adapted to the laurel forest habitat and is endemic to Madeira.
Madeira Firecrest (Regulus madeirensis): This small bird, with its vibrant plumage, is found exclusively in Madeira's laurel forests.
Madeira Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs madeirensis): This endemic subspecies of the Chaffinch is unique to Madeira and can be observed in the laurel forest.

The Fanal Walk is full of amazing nature surprises at every corner. Anyone, young or old, who loves adventure will enjoy it. It's a chance to feel the island's spirit and see how beautiful Madeira's untouched nature is. You'll be amazed by the colorful plants, the peaceful sounds of nature, and the feeling of wonder from the tall trees. The Fanal Walk is a memory you won't forget, a real connection with nature.