Do you know why there are so many accents in Madeira?

Do you know why there are so many accents in Madeira?

Upon initially realizing the existence of multiple accents in Madeira, I was surprised that such a compact island could have such a wide range of dialects. What surprised me even more, was that these differences mainly show up in how words are pronounced, rather than being completely different words.

The explanation, as revealed by some of our friends that were born here, resides in the fact that people used to live in isolation due to the lack of modern roads which were only built much later, about 20 years ago. So, many of them were born in small villages, in the valleys of the mountains, and never had the chance to explore the other parts of the island.

Some other reasons why there are so many variations in the spoken language are:

Madeira has a rich history of colonization and settlement by different groups over the centuries. This mixing of people from different places such as Africa, Europe and the Americas has resulted in different languages and ways of speaking on the island. When different languages come into contact, they can influence each other's phonetic and linguistic features, resulting in distinct accents.
This is because Madeira is far from the Portuguese mainland and is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. When communities are isolated, their language can change over time and become different from the original language.
Different communities in Madeira may have developed different accents due to social and cultural interactions within the island. Activities such as fishing, agriculture and trade may have created separate communities with their own ways of speaking.