Cost of living and quality of life

Cost of living and quality of life

Living in Funchal is both cozy and budget-friendly. The city's natural beauty, pollution free, pleasant weather and lively culture provide a great quality of life without high costs.

If we compare cost of living in Funchal with the one in Bucharest, you would need around 15,939.9 lei (3,227.1€) in Funchal to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 13,000.00 lei (2631 €) in Bucharest (assuming you rent in both cities). 

The biggest difference is when comparing the cost of renting or buying a house, especially in Funchal. Starting 4-5 years ago the prices have skyrocketed, reaching unprecedented levels. It is now very difficult to find a decent 1 bedroom apartment in Funchal below 1000 Eur/month with the utilities not included.

Just a few details:

1. Rent Prices in Funchal are 86.9% higher than in Bucharest.
2. Restaurant Prices in Funchal are 8.5% lower than in Bucharest.
3. Groceries Prices in Funchal are 4.6% lower than in Bucharest.
4. 1 liter of gasoline is currently around 1.7€ compared to 1.36€ (6.7 Ron).

When considering the quality of life, there are several compelling reasons that make relocating to Madeira a favorable choice.

  1. Life in Madeira is peaceful and balanced, letting people enjoy the simple pleasures and natural beauty of island living.
  2. The pleasant weather all year round make you want to explore the island anytime.
  3. Madeira's incredible natural beauty, including lush greenery and breathtaking coastlines, shapes an ideal environment for everyday living promoting mental and physical health.
  4. The local culture of Madeira is a celebration of tradition and togetherness. Festivals, music, and cuisine are deeply ingrained in daily life, fostering a sense of belonging and joy among its inhabitants.
  5. The island's size (728 km2) creates a unique dynamic, often leading to chance encounters with familiar faces, even during casual moments like enjoying coffee at a street coffee shop in Funchal. This is very different from the busy and anonymous lifestyle often found in big cities.
  6. People being close and friendly makes it easy to fit in and feel like you belong, making life on the island even better. The warmth and friendliness of the people create a welcoming atmosphere that resonates with all who set foot on the island. Community holds immense importance when moving to a new country and this made us feel just like at home from the very first moment.
  7. Due to the island's emphasis on tourism, many locals have very good English language skills.
  8. The healthcare and education on Madeira are really good, so people can get the important services they need.

To sum up, enjoying tasty local food, walking in charming towns, and looking at the endless ocean views all show that life on Madeira Island is about being happy in many different ways. The mix of nature, culture, and community makes quality of life real, not just a concept but a tangible reality.