About me

About me

My name is Ana-Maria Efta and I come from Bucharest, Romania.

About a year and a half ago, I've started working on building a life I don't need a vacation from. Previously, my life was centered around a 9 to 6 job and every day was a struggle to uncover a bit of free time for the things I longed to do. I used to identify myself with my work, which resulted in feelings of exhaustion and irritation.

Madeira has taken my breath away since my first visit and I don't want to sound cheesy, but Madeira has a unique charm and overwhelming beauty. Our first visit was in July 2021 when we spent 1 week on the island. On the way back to the airport, I couldn't help but cry because I was so sad to leave the island...
At first, I felt utterly confused and I said to myself "You're making a huge fuss! Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Feeling sad after holidays end is perfectly normal; you've been through this before!"

But these feelings continued after we got back to Bucharest and didn't stop until we booked our next holiday in September of the same year. This next visit lasted 2 months and it was still not enough... so we booked the next holiday for March 2022.
At that point, many friends told us that we had developed a fixation with Madeira and that we should travel elsewhere, but Madeira was calling us and this island was becoming already so much more than just a beautiful place to visit ....

So it was during our 3rd holiday here that my partner and I decided to move permanently and we have been working on changing our lives for better ever since.

And it all came so naturally one day while sitting by the pool at the hotel. It started as a joke, as I said to him: "Let's stay here!" and in seconds he opened his laptop and started looking for long term rentals. By the middle of April we were back in Bucharest, on the 1st of May we were here, starting a new life.

Here's what I think: the only important thing to keep in mind when planning your first trip to Madeira is the possibility of not wanting to go back.

Madeira is surrounded by the Atlantic ocean and guarded by green mountains with lush and vibrant vegetation. You'll find amazing landscapes and breathtaking views at every corner. It also offers authentic tourism, 100% nature and very good infrastructure. Funchal, it's capital, is in the top of the most unpolluted cities in the world. You’ll be avoiding the crowds and you’ll be reconnecting with nature and yourselves.

It's like floating on air and receiving higher vibrations, suddenly you are becoming a better version of yourself. My belief is that every soul shines here in a better light.

Alright, let's do this! Time to get those bags ready and join me in paradise. I've got everything covered for an incredible and laid-back ride. We'll uncover the island's secret spots, chase mesmerizing sunsets, and indulge in the mouthwatering delights of authentic Portuguese cuisine.